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Declutter Your Home: 8 Tips for a Conscious Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of the year again when we all start to think about spring cleaning and decluttering our homes (aka our lives). We know that it can be a daunting task where you might not even know where to start. We get you and that's why we wanted to share with you some great tips to help you get organised and make the most out of your space. Shall we? 💪

Image by Kostikova via Getty Images

Benefits of decluttering

Did you know that decluttering can have a wide range of benefits beyond just the physical space? When you declutter, not only you are creating a space that is more inviting to productivity but you also have the opportunity to be more mindful and intentional about what you keep and what you discard.

Have you ever had to suddenly clean up your desk before getting started to work? That's because it can be difficult to focus and think clearly when you’re surrounded by clutter. By clearing out the space, you create a more peaceful and calming environment for yourself (and your productivity!). 🤓

8 Tips for a Conscious Spring Cleaning

Now that you know the benefits of decluttering, it’s time to get started! Here are 8 tips to help you declutter your home for a conscious spring cleaning:

  1. Visualise your ideal home. It's important to think about what kind of house you want to live in and what would be your ideal lifestyle, the one you aspire to have (picture it, draw it or write it down).

  2. Declutter by category first. The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items.

  3. Only keep the items that "spark joy". When picking up an item, ask yourself 'Does it spark joy?' ✨, if it speaks to your heart, keep it! If not, put it away in your donation box.

  4. Follow the right order of category. The KonMari Method™ suggests starting with clothes (relatively easy) and ending with sentimental items (more difficult). By the end of the tidying process, the task of deciding what to keep will seem more simple.

  5. Learn how to fold your clothes. Discover this revolutionary technique by Marie Kondo and learn how to fold your clothes neatly. Instead of piling your clothes, learn how to make them stand up vertically in your closet, to prevent wrinkles, save more space and see all of your clothes.

  6. Create a donation box. For all the items that have not passed the "spark joy" test, put them in a donation box. Once you have finished tidying up, it's time to give your pre-loved items a second life. Use apps like OLIO or Carousell to donate hand-in-hand to someone else. For your clothes, see where to donate your old clothes in Singapore.

  7. Give your items a second chance. Have you heard of UpCircle? Upcircle app connects communities with circularity to help reduce waste. Before throwing something away, think again as there might be someone on the app who could make use of your item and 'upcycle' it. 🙌

  8. Discard consciously the rest. We get it, not all items can be donated or upcycled. If you have items that need to be discarded, you can always recycle them. You can dispose of your unwanted items through the susGain app to find your nearest recycling option for clothes, e-waste or food. Recycling should not be considered as the default option, but the last, when you could not reuse or repair an item.

By following these 8 tips, you can make the most of your space and start living a more mindful and intentional life. So why wait? Get started today and start decluttering your home!

If you enjoyed reading these tips, we recommend you to read 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing' by Marie Kondo.

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