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Positive Climate & Biodiversity News - Week #29

Happy Monday! Here is your weekly dose of positive Climate and Biodiversity news to help motivate you and get your week off to a great start.

It's time to balance out all the “doom and gloom” news we often hear and add some positivity to our lives. 🙌

Positive Climate & Biodiversity News Week 23

Turtles: Conservation work helping reptile population in Cyprus

Image by Getty Images

"Turtle populations in Cyprus have been thriving thanks to conservation efforts to protect the species."

Read the full article on BBC.

Wild Woodbury: Red List bird species return after rewilding

Image by BBC

"A rewilding project has led to the return of a number of bird species that are in critical decline. Seven birds on the Conservation Concern Red List have been spotted at Wild Woodbury in Dorset."

Read the full article on BBC.

From pipe to pint: This eco-beer is brewed from the water that goes down your sink

Image via Euronews Green

"With the help of a clean tech start-up, Devil’s Canyon brewery has created a beer made using water from the showers, laundry and bathroom sinks of a San Francisco apartment block. Would you be willing to take a sip? Here’s why you should consider it."

Read the full article in Euronews.

Superfood-based ‘beanless coffee’ could slash emissions and water use by 94%

Image via Euronews Green

"A Seattle-based startup backed by some of the investors behind Beyond Meat is launching the world's first beanless coffee this week. Its inventors hope to slash the environmental impact of the popular drink."

Read the full article in Euronews.

Image via Euronews Green

"A ban on some single-use plastic items has just been introduced across England. It will mean businesses are no longer allowed to supply some items like polystyrene cups and plastic cutlery. “This new ban is the next big step in our mission to crack down on harmful waste,” said Environment Minister Rebecca Pow."

Read the full article in Euronews.

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